The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic and Natural Law

Navigating the Serpentine Path of Kundalini Awakening | Kim Nguyen #133

Dylan Smith: Ayurvedic Practitioner, Holistic Health Educator, Conscious Entrepreneur

Journey the mystical realms of Kundalini awakenings with my guest, Kim Nguyen.

From full-time corporate architect to being bombarded with radical spiritual energies, at first Kim was overwhelmed with kundalini energies, but now is evolving to work with it.

Kim is now touring the world to meet one-on-one with renown artists to rapidly boost their creativity through techniques she is still learning about “what the hell is manifesting through me”.

But before that, it wasn’t easy for Kim.

We dive into the challenges of straddling the spiritual and mundane worlds, as well as candid tales of first-hand-experiences wrestling with involuntary movements akin to trying to tame a thunderstorm within and the subsequent quest for acceptance and harmony with this new energy.

In her journey navigating a radical kundalini awakening Kim encountered spirits, and learned to harness a newfound creativity.

From wrestling with inner turmoil to becoming a beacon of inspiration for others, Kim's odyssey is a masterclass in spiritual transformation.

As we wrap up this session, we reflect on the essential role of support systems in grounding these ethereal experiences.

You'll hear about the lifelines that teachers and therapists provide, acting as buoys in the vast ocean of spiritual awakening.

Get ready for a journey where each step on the serpentine path of Kundalini awakening is met with wisdom, understanding, and shared discovery.
Tune in now to unlock the secrets of the inner self!

🐍 An Introduction to Kundalini Awakening
🐍 How To Handle These Overwhelming Experiences
🐍 Sleep Disruption and Spiritual Awareness
🐍 Expanded Sensory Perception and Subtle Realms
🐍 Stabilisation and Integration
🐍 Seeking Mentorship and Guidance


Kim Nguyen is a Vedic Meditation teacher dedicated to helping you experience a deeper sense of awareness to navigate life's demands with grace and ease.  Her teaching is rooted in the Vedic tradition, which focuses on becoming in tune with one’s Self.  She provides guidance and support to help others become self-sufficient on their lifelong meditation journey. 

As an architect and engineer with a range of scientific and philosophical interests, she offers her unique perspective on spiritual practice.  She is a certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher with trauma-informed training.  She learned to teach Vedic Meditation from Thom Knoles of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s lineage, and was ordained in the Shankaracharya tradition. 

Kim's home base is in Los Angeles, where she teaches private and group classes.  She also travels worldwide to teach workshops and retreats.

Spiritual Awakenings International

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Speaker 1:

My body flipped over. I wasn't able to get out of it. Wave-like, mermaid movements, like doing the worm.

Speaker 2:

I don't quote Kundalini awakenings.

Speaker 1:

It felt like something was moving my body that way and I wasn't controlling it.

Speaker 2:

Let's make this more talked about. Welcome to the Vital Vader Show. I am your host, dylan Smith. I'm an Ayurvedic practitioner and holistic health educator who sees patients online and in person, and some of those patients a minority of them are undergoing radical what we call kundalini experiences. And kundalini is a dormant energetic force within the human organism which has a potential to blossom into creative intelligence and even awaken supernatural capabilities. And this power within the human physiology in its dormant state it's dormant, it's in the pit of what we call kunda in the brain. But when it manifests, it can manifest in different ways and in this series of podcast episodes I'm exploring.

Speaker 2:

Kundalini manifest in a radical way. It blossoms in a way which can be very overwhelming, and so I started seeing this in my patients. They were labeled psychotic. They were told to go on pharmaceuticals for antidepressants, anticonvulsants, anti-anxiety, etc. Etc. So I wanted to bring this more to the public, to make it more normalized that people can go through spiritual experiences which look like they're mad or psychotic, which look like they're mad or psychotic.

Speaker 2:

So I've done a podcast episode on Kundalini which you can check out and see as I introduce this topic of Kundalini in greater depth. And now I've started to interview other people about their personal experiences, about their unique experiences, what they did to help and move through it, and this is one of them today, with Kim, who will introduce herself and who you'll learn about. If you enjoy this and you found it helpful, please share it. Share it with anyone and leave a review, and this is Kim's first time sharing this, so we would love you to really review a comment, to talk about it. You can leave a comment or Instagram share and talk about what you felt.

Speaker 2:

I am now six weeks post recording this episode with Kim and I've got information that Kim is currently touring with a manager to help creatives, like a variety of famous musicians, enhance their creativity through her gifts. She's meeting one-on-one with these people and installing into them various frequencies and vibrations. So I'm just going to leave it like that for now and you'll hear Kim's journey, and then, at the end of this podcast episode, I'm going to talk more about where Kim is at right now and what she's doing touring the world with a famous, well-known music manager who manages famous DJs like Skrillex, and that manager is taking Kim around the world to help creatives in different ways. So I'm going to share that at the end, because this is six weeks after recording this episode. For now, listen to what Kim's got to say.

Speaker 1:

It's the first time I've ever spoken about my experiences with Kundalini. It's been a wild ride and challenging, and I've kept it hidden because I found it only maybe useful for those who run into extreme difficulty that are seeking some knowledge and guidance through the experience. Yeah, so it's hard to talk about. I appreciate.

Speaker 2:

I really want to express my gratitude for me, but also on behalf of the listeners, for coming onto the show, because it's you know, kim, you're not the first person who said that. Uh, yes, with these kundalini um interviews, but even other subjects, whether it's fertility subject or people struggling with getting pregnant or whatever it is. So I want to just assure you this is, this is a safe space. I want to be casual and, yes, the intention is just like you've shared before is to help other people going through quote-unquote kundalini awakenings, if you want to call it that, and or just any transformational spiritual experience which can be overwhelming for certain people. And on the vital beta podcast if this is the first time you're hearing about kundalini on this show, it's we've started a small series of interviews with people who have had radical kundalini experiences, as I call them, and the point of this and the intention of this is to others out there who are undergoing these experiences, which can be very overwhelming, is to make it more normalized, acceptable, and that there are other people out there doing it. There's resources that can do to help you get through it in the smoothest way possible.

Speaker 2:

And we started with a Kundalini. I started a Kundalini episode just introducing the notion of this dormant energetic force which is in human organisms and it has the potential to blossom into this creative intelligence and ultimately even awaken supernatural capabilities. But that may happen through a bit of a roller coaster with certain people. So we're going to go into kim's experience. Kim, will you just start with your background, just as a person, because I and and with the intention of also like this can have. This happens to every so many people of any walks of life. It doesn't even have to be involved in spirituality oh, thank you, dylan.

Speaker 1:

Um well, I'm a civil engineer and an architect, and so that's my role in the world professionally, and I live in Los Angeles, I have a dog. I'm married to my husband. We've known each other for 18 years. He also has a very scientific background as a physician, and I come from a gigantic family like 50 cousins and I'm first generation Vietnamese American.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And when did your experiences of Kundalini start in your life? Well, I think there's been little hints of it all through my life, right? Because kundalini is that very subtle energy that's inside of you. It's more subtle than chi and it's moving in all of us. So basically, it's nature's energy moving through you. But it wasn't very dramatic until about two years, three months ago. Well, I remember it because it was a very distinct moment. This happened right after a three-day meditation retreat. It didn't happen to anyone else, meditation retreat. It didn't happen to anyone else and it was a day when I was feeling really great. Like you know, I feel really blissed out from doing a meditation retreat. It was a rounding retreat.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and just for the listener, this is a retreat which is basically industrial strength meditation and it's a series of yoga asana, then pranayama, breathing, and then meditation and you repeat that and although it sounds pretty intense, industrial strength it can be, but also it's not a very radical. It's not like it's radical kriya or pranayama or a lot of movement which really can stir up kundalini energy. It's actually quite a d, it's a very de-excited technique, de-exciting technique which really brings you to a hypometabolic state. So this is kim is now. We'll get to the story later but she's now very heavily involved in this tradition of vedic meditation as a teacher. But this, comparatively to other yoga Vedantic techniques, is actually very exciting and quite much less common to go through Kundalini experiences in this meditation technique compared to other yogic techniques, but definitely still common, it happens yes, it's very gentle technique and I think that's why it caught me by surprise and the people around me.

Speaker 1:

So I guess we know that when kundalini moves through you, it's a very beautiful energy. It's very blissful and calm because it's nature. But as it's moving through, it also highlights for you what's out of balance, and so it's kind of moving through like a faucet of water, like a hose of water, and water is going up your spine. So it was moving and somehow for me it turned on full blast. And so, as this bliss energy was moving through me, and so as this bliss energy was moving through me, I also felt what was not blissful, and so the experiences are from that energy, highlighting the points of imbalance, and that's what makes the drama, which is we also call it ama. So on the first day my shoulder started twitching. So it's just kind of going like this Common experience with.

Speaker 2:

Kundalini awakenings people twitching and movements.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, just like before you're falling asleep, your body may twitch a little bit.

Speaker 1:

And then so we were thinking it's just releasing some stress from the muscle and I thought, well, I'll just do some abhyanga or smell some lavender and take a bath.

Speaker 1:

So I sensed to maybe calm it down a bit more and of course I was in touch with other teachers so I was in a supportive environment. So I got home, I turned on the bath, I got in the bathtub and just laid in there and suddenly my body started to do these wave-like mermaid movements, like doing the worm inside the bathtub, and then it started moving more and more violently and then my body flipped over and I was on my stomach in the bathtub, submerged. Then my arms were stretching themselves backwards and my legs were stretching upwards and it looked like I was in some kind of backbend. But I wasn't able to get out of it because it felt like something was moving my body that way and I wasn't controlling it moving my body that way and I wasn't controlling it. Then it quickly flipped me back over onto my back and then I jumped out. And then I guess that was just the beginning.

Speaker 2:

All right. So after that, what did you think? What did you feel?

Speaker 1:

After that I thought I must have imagined it, so I ignored it. And then I actually walked back to the bathtub and I got in to see if I had just imagined that it happened. And same thing happened, but all types of other movements and splashing of water, and I decided it's probably not safe to be in the bathtub so it's not happening again.

Speaker 2:

When you returned yes, oh wow, okay, interesting that water element. Did you have any other water element experiences in after that?

Speaker 1:

you mean like when I got in water yeah it seems like whenever I was very relaxed the movements got more violent actually. So that was kind of surprising because I didn't know what to make of that. But after a while I saw that because the body is in such a de-excited state, I think that encouraged more movement of energy to move through my body and try to expel any blockages that are there. But at the time I didn't know it, so I was just trying to relax myself more. The next day I found out when I was.

Speaker 1:

I was looking at this pen actually architects love their pens so I felt the more I was concentrating on the pen, the movement stopped and my body throughout the day, um, oh yes, after the bathtub experience. So it stopped and then the movements continued 24-7. And so my body was shaking, I was having convulsions, so it was continuing to move and I couldn't stop it, and until I concentrated really hard on something. So it turns out that with focus there seems to be some kind of control over it or being able to snap out of a different state of consciousness. So that was one key element. Then I started practicing this, started looking around the room to see at kind of dialing, the level of concentration I was having versus relaxation and that started to moderate the movement somehow it's very, very fascinating, interesting with the concentrating.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, and then keep, keep telling us like your story um years go by, or months go by years go by, or months go by.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I think this was in the first two weeks where I was freaking out my family.

Speaker 2:

And how long did those shakings? You said it was happening 24-7, the movements, the convulsions, the shaking. How long did that last?

Speaker 1:

If I weren't concentrating they would have continued. We're now two years and three months out. Um, I still have them occasionally and that was happening in an uncontrollable way for about two weeks until I got very good at switching on and off, but it was still going. So I learned how to turn it off when I was around people and when I wasn't around, I allowed it to move, because it kind of felt like a bottle of soda and you shake it up and there's a lot of pressure and it just wants to move. So the more I used this technique that I thought I discovered to stop the movements from happening, the more it felt like I would explode into various movements did you find that if you were using the technique to suppress it because suppressing in ayurveda is it sounds like a bad thing?

Speaker 2:

it's actually not. It's. You can also call it, pacify it. So it's keeping it at bay, it's keeping it calm. But did you find if you did that for too long, when you finally opened that soda bottle, it would explode even more?

Speaker 1:

uh, yes, sometimes it did, but it would go through periods where it would be more explosive or less explosive. It became instead of well, at first it was like trying to turn it off and on, and later it became more like a negotiation and me speaking to my body and the energies and starting to understand where it was trying to move and what it was trying to show me so was it just ended up like?

Speaker 2:

how did you turn it off? Was it just that conscious telling of the body? Okay, I'm going to favor, I'm going to turn you off for a bit so I can enjoy my friends and not look weird yes, eventually.

Speaker 1:

It took many months before I got to that point um. Yeah, I would say it just took some practice, because sometimes it would feel like I preferred it to be a certain way and then it would not agree with me or that maybe I would be like, okay, now is the time, just get it all out the system so I can get back to my friends.

Speaker 2:

But it didn't work that way either. And then in the two weeks where it was very overwhelming and all you had to do to suppress it is concentrate hard. I mean, like, how long can you concentrate hard on something? Was that a lot of strain and effort?

Speaker 1:

you had to like yes it was a lot of strain, but I had a lot of strain and effort. You had to like, yes, it was a lot of strain, um, but I I had a lot of willpower, so it was kind of a battle with me for a while then. Well, during that time also because I wasn't able to make it to look normal, um, I also consulted other doctors, got my brain scanned just to make sure that it wasn't anything else, and all scans and visits to different doctors came back normal. So at least I got to ease that part of my questions.

Speaker 2:

When, during the two weeks, how was your sleep?

Speaker 1:

I didn't sleep. Sometimes the movements would come through through the entire night and until I was so exhausted I would black out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolute common experience with kundalini awakenings is this lack of sleep.

Speaker 1:

But what's really great about it and also having a meditation practice is being able to have my awareness there the whole time, so I wasn't freaked out. I just knew this is happening through my body and I'm learning to be with it rather than argue with it. And it was just really training me to be with it, no matter how crazy it got.

Speaker 2:

So lucky you have that, that anchor and awareness while going through this, and that you had it before it happened. You learned the technique. You knew this before. So you have this two weeks intense. You've kind of learning to live with it, learning to manage it better. Were there any other significant, really overwhelming experiences after that? Or was that two weeks the most powerful or the most overwhelming?

Speaker 1:

No, I think it got more overwhelming. Well, I would say, the experiences got more intense, but I was less overwhelmed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So it was no longer surprising that my body could move. I would say that's the biggest hurdle when you feel like your body is moving and you can't control it and that you feel there's nothing you can do and it's not behaving to how you're dictating it. I think that's the biggest hurdle. And the next one is the subtle worlds becoming more visible and sensing all of that that can be very overwhelming. So there are worlds I'm talking about spirits, sounds, hearing. You know how people can be empathetic with someone else or someone's really say they're angry or depressed sitting next to you. You can feel it. With this, the sensation of that is more amplified For me.

Speaker 1:

As a kid I've always seen spirits like ghosts. Kind of dark shadows was prone to the sleep, paralysis and vivid dreams, so those were common for me. But with this I couldn't ignore any of those anymore and other spectrums of subtle worlds became more visible. So yeah, I think before how I dealt with subtle things was to kind of sweep it under the rug and I kept putting it under the rug so I could move through my day. But with the kundalini moving through, I couldn't ignore anything that I've ever put under the rug. It just became a giant elephant that I had to address. So when you see things that other people don't see, that's also a really big adjustment.

Speaker 1:

So after three months of this, I started to stabilize and I saw my life flash before my eyes and it was a really beautiful thing. I saw, I felt like I oh, I've accepted everything in my life. I saw the people I loved. I saw the people I was hurt by. It was like a reel, like highlights of Kim's life and seeing what I've done and haven't done. But it was like check mark done, done, done. And even my bullies that I've experienced in the past. I saw how beautiful they were and how they helped me grow and I felt like, all right, I must be done with this kundalini thing and I can move on. And that's when I went on to train as a meditation teacher, went on to train as a meditation teacher and that's I guess I wanted to learn how to teach it because it helped me get through these rough moments and other rough moments in my life by stabilizing the beingness. So I was motivated to learn to teach meditation because of going through this.

Speaker 2:

Back to the part where your past and your life, this lifetime, flashed before you and you could see everything the people, the situations. This is also a thing that some people report. Can you talk more about that? What was the situation? Was it while you were sleeping? Was it just one day you had this hit of vision of your past life, or did it? How long did that last for?

Speaker 1:

uh, it was for two days. I was getting flashes of it and it was while I was one doing the dishes that I can remember it. Just I was maybe it's another state of being relaxed, and another moment just while petting my dog. So they were very normal moments and it was I don't know how long it was in real life, but it felt like a long time of seeing everything in my life and the appreciation of it. So I felt it was either the end of some, it felt like as if I were dying, but in a beautiful way was it everything in your life yes and uh.

Speaker 1:

I saw things that I didn't know happened in my life as well.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So it was very strange and I saw things that were quite negative happen in my life that I wasn't aware of, and that was the most surprising thing to me. But while the vision was happening, I didn't feel any negative experiences, even when I saw it as a movie what's an example of some of those, something that you didn't know that happened um trauma, trauma that I had hidden from myself, unconsciously wow and I was like well, I guess I I got to see it that way before it.

Speaker 1:

I I didn't even know it happened, or maybe I knew at some point, but forgotten part of you knew.

Speaker 2:

So, so amazing. It's interesting how you said it felt like you were dying, because this is a common experience that people report from near-death experiences or people who are, um, those people who are into the afterlife knowledge and experiences like experts. On that, I've heard talk about how it's quite common knowledge that once you, once your body drops, you will review your whole life and this, uh well, I heard the other day a woman explained it like it's kind of like seeing a whole mosaic of your all the events, all the events in your life. It's not like one by one. You go through them. You see it like all together, rather than focusing on each tile of the mosaic. It's just a whole thing and you it's like what do they call it past life review or review of this life kind of thing.

Speaker 2:

It's interesting that you had that without a near-death experience and but, of course, makes sense, because these uh realms that you are dipping in and out of is definitely shared with transitioning from death and birth. So then, yes, you started. You went on a three months initiated training to become a meditation teacher, where you are doing much more of the quote-unquote rounding, which is those series of yoga, asana, pranayama, meditation in very high amounts. A lot of meditation, a lot of knowledge. It's yeah, it's a three months intensive. How was that?

Speaker 1:

intense. But I what was cool about that is I had colleagues, I had friends that were also going through something intense and were aware of, you know, purifying our bodies and our minds and wanting to let go of things that prevent them and ourselves from seeing things as they are right. So we all came there with at least that baseline of understanding, so a sense of camaraderie there, and that I could share a little bit of my experience. Well, at least I tried to keep it limited until my body started moving a lot again. So it was different from before.

Speaker 1:

I was in training, because in training we're also clearing a lot more and the movements started becoming so they were not as convulsive and they're not as seizure-looking. They started looking more graceful. Sometimes it looked like I was breakdancing, looking more graceful. Sometimes it looked like I was breakdancing, it looks like Tai Chi-like movements or some kind of beautiful dance. Mudras were coming out of my hands and so sometimes it would look like a moment of beauty.

Speaker 1:

And then other moments of uncontrolled seizuring on the ground and I was thinking this isn't something anyone else experienced there. But they were still able to support me by well, one, they weren't freaked out. That really helped. And two, they would ask me things like do you need an extra pillow or do you need me to cover the ground so that you don't hit your arms on the walls or the tables, and so things like that really helped me get through those cycles of asanas. It's called a yogic kriya I think you might know that, so it's just more sequential type movements that you'd see in a yoga book. That started happening, starting there. So I went through periods of that. Um, you know various all kinds of things hearing voices, seeing dead people and flashing lights and electric balls okay, all of that.

Speaker 2:

Then, end of the training, um, I again felt like, okay, I must be done with this now, and so this was in 2022 did you feel at the end of the training you had like kind of moved a step through this, like, okay, this you had these intense experiences through the training you're at the end to, at the end of this three-month training. Anyhow, the uh, the program is to ease you out of it slowly. Did you feel like, okay, I've kind of taken a step?

Speaker 1:

yeah, so I've definitely taken really big leaps and also left.

Speaker 2:

Evolved from that intensity it's like, okay, I've finished the training, now the intensity is calmed, or it's finished, at least that.

Speaker 1:

That's that, that part of it, that wave of it um, yes, it felt like that for about two days and it was great, and in those two days it did feel like a lifetime because I felt like, all right, all this is behind me and I can go teach people how to meditate, not look crazy people how to meditate, not look crazy. It was like a dream come true. I had a lot body in my neighborhood and I think that event it brought on a lot more experiences and a new wave of different types of body movements came through, different types of experiences. They weren't just visions about other worlds that I see inside of me and they weren't just things I was viewing. It seemed to involve other people. And this is the next big step of it is that it's just not about having the experience and moving through them or the phenomena and kind of understanding the phenomena. It's how do all these relate to the world around me and what do they tell me and how do I act on them? And what do they tell me and how do I act on them?

Speaker 1:

So that experience with finding the body in my neighborhood, I sensed something was there. Before I turned a corner. It was in like a neighbor's yard and when I saw the body, I knew that they weren't alive. And then I experienced the spirit of the body lingering around and the experience is like it was following me home. And then, during that experience, I went into a spontaneous ritual and in that ritual I helped this spirit cross over and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. And well, at that point it was still happening. You know I'm the only one who sees it happen. But one of the things I noticed was that, because I had noticed the body there, I was able to call for help for someone to remove it. But in that moment I remember seeing two joggers come by and they had told me they've seen the body there for several days ago, but they didn't know they had died or they just kept moving. And then someone else also told me oh, they saw that person there, but they didn't know they had died.

Speaker 2:

Was it someone lying on the front?

Speaker 1:

yard. They were lying in the bench in the yard.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so they might have thought it was a homeless person sleeping or something.

Speaker 1:

Perhaps, but I would say maybe. In this experience, perhaps if I didn't sense or I wasn't as aware, maybe I would have walked by as well and there wouldn't have been a certain type of closure.

Speaker 2:

So you would see other people possessed by different spirits?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't think that's the proper way to say it, but yes, because from our understanding it's also all is one right. So it could be an aspect of them. But, also I was seeing them at a particular level. It definitely looked like they were not in possession of themselves and their beingness, and there were different influences that were more highlighted in them.

Speaker 2:

It's interesting. It's like is it a part of them which is expressing and kind of dominating the body, or is it another individual body, soul, which in we can call jivatma, like another expression of that whole thing? But of course we're in different expressions in this world. Is it them another expression, a complete other, which usually lives, which usually lives in another body, maybe or not, maybe not a human body, maybe, and it's and it's dominating um, or it's dominating that person so so I got exposed to a variety of different possibilities of that. Right.

Speaker 1:

And then being able to tell the difference after a while, like what that situation is. So maybe the pattern looks like first it's overwhelming exposure, like everything's on the plate. Then it starts having stratified layers, then a more distinct understanding of where everything is on those layers and then you know. Next phase is another situation where you see a whole lot of parts and then it starts to condense. So it was a number of those experiences for a while.

Speaker 1:

So it was a number of those experiences for a while, and seeing them in others and knowing when or when not to say something, when to act, when not to act I think that's part of the growth process and in these phases I sought other teachers. I sought other people with varying capabilities for guidance on how they navigated the subtle fields and how to do things ethically in case I come across situations. Not that I wanted to allow all experiences to come through spontaneously, but some of them happen. I think when they happen repeatedly it means there might be an action that we need to take. So that's when I sought mentorship from different healers and learned how to move through those experiences. So there was that, and so then they were singular experiences from me and one other person, one by one. Later they became more group experiences and after that they became I am now okay, great, and thanks for sharing all those.

Speaker 2:

Um, are there any other? I mean, okay, I'm not gonna ask that question. There are probably so many other things which happened, and I know there are because we had a. We had a chat a few weeks ago. I just want to now move to actions to take and resources for people to take who are going through similar things. What would you suggest?

Speaker 1:

One is if you can find a teacher or start to see that there are many potential teachers, you can have Learning to meditate.

Speaker 2:

Just on the teacher thing, the word everyone knows the word guru. But the word guru in Ayurveda, in Sanskrit, it means heavy, that's one of the words. And guru is like that, stable anchor to ultimate reality, and is particularly essential and I love how you said that as the first thing, kim. It's particularly essential when you are going through these very um, air and space element experiences, these you're in the subtle realms and guru means heavy, it's earth element, it's grounding.

Speaker 2:

So that's the really important role of a guru and and you're not the first person who I've interviewed who has stressed the importance of speaking to someone and guru doesn't mean they have to be your teacher or the one you look up to. It's someone who can be a stable anchor for you, with an open heart and an open mind and a loving heart. This is all energy of kapha dosha, earth element. That that's stable. You can bring all the stress to that person but it doesn't touch them. They are so anchored in being that they can help metabolize it and help you anchor yes, like until you have that anchor within yourself, and then even when you do.

Speaker 1:

It's still very good to have many anchors in your life Because we can have all these mystical type experiences, but they're actually to help us find various ways to come back actually, to come back here, to the present and engaged with other people and this reality actually. So, yes, we have many other realities, but this one's very important. I think that's what it has taught me from going to see the other realities and, yeah, eventually you do see that everyone in every situation is the teacher.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and the second you said to meditate and then we discussed about that, how it really helped perspective and you kind of detaching from the body going through this.

Speaker 1:

Yes, well, the feelings of detaching from the body and seeking assistance for reattaching not reattaching, but coming back to the body. So I think in a lot of spiritual practices people are trying to learn how to get out of body because they're so stuck in just this one reality of physical or emotional or mental. But after you go so far out, you really want to be able to ground it all and learn how to come back and integrate all of it, and in that it helps to have someone hold space for you to do it. So I would say, besides having a teacher because when you have a teacher like you may know things, they may teach you things intellectually, they may also teach you with their presence that's also very good and to let you know the pathway but having someone hold space for you therapist, anyone who's very good at that that can allow you to come back, I guess holding space means making it a safe space to land.

Speaker 2:

Okay, thanks so much, kim. I think that's great and yeah, if anyone needs support, do you offer any? You said you've shared it with other people who've helped. Of course you teach Vedic meditation in LA. Do you also offer mentoring sessions?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

How can people find you Mentoring? I have a website, it's frogwicom F-R-O-G-W-I, and I offer mentoring and consultations and teaching Vedic meditation.

Speaker 2:

Good, great. Anything else you want to mention? I know there's so much more that happened.

Speaker 1:

Maybe I was thinking that it's a really special thing that you have this curiosity to interview people with these experiences and that you had told me that you didn't have the same you know type experiences, but your approach to them I found it very supportive. I found it very supportive and so I was thinking, like for teachers and for anyone who I think this applies to both if you run into somebody with extreme kundalini experiences or any experience in life at all that they experience in something that you don't understand and that you can't wrap your head around and that you will probably never experience in your life, you can always still be supportive and you can always still know what it's like to feel alone and need support. So I think just because you haven't experienced these things doesn't mean you can't support somebody who is going through them and, just having curiosity, ask them how they are, offer them food.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, it's all the same really. Um, there's just various types of experiences, but I, just, being open, I think that's a, that's a beautiful thing so beautiful.

Speaker 2:

I'm getting like emotional by you saying that and so important, relevant for probably most of the people hearing this is going to play that role and have it, has an opportunity to play that role and I think you know let's make this more talked about for one. Uh, let's talk about it more because a bunch of people listening have never heard someone tell their story or share experiences. Usually it's only to share to a practitioner, or to a meditate, or to a guru or to a teacher. So I think if, hopefully, whether you're just a friend or you are a physician or a practitioner or someone or psychologist, whatever, um, or just as a friend or a colleague, you can have, as kim said, the, the open heart and the genuine curiosity in the name of a desire for that person to become more peaceful and move through this in the most harmonious way.

Speaker 2:

And you don't need to know about it, you don't need no solutions, just have that intention of okay, you're going through something intense. I don't know how intense it is. I really do not know how intense it is. I don't have anything I can relate to, but you are unique and I am unique and what I can do is just be open for this. Just my open heart, just my intention of okay, my presence can offer so much support and healing and love.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you never know how far that really goes.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Kim, thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Thank you too.

Speaker 2:

This is me and Kim, and Kim and I are meeting for the first time, but we've spoken once before. But yeah, it's a very special thing. It's something new on this podcast, where we don't care about your bio.

Speaker 2:

We don't care about you, we just want to take every people from all walks of life and share. And it's really back to that aspect of everyone is unique and everyone is important and and has something, an aspect to share and contribute. Thanks kim, thank you dylan, thanks Kim, thank you Dylan. Thank you for listening. If you want to hear the first episode which we started on Kundalini what actually is Kundalini, the bioenergetic force see episode number 126 of the Vital Beta podcast. And episode 129 is an interview with Marcus Hamill who talks about his Kundundalini experience. That was different. It was a one and a half month very strong trip and it kind of started and finished and basically for Nithya, for now that is a phenomenal episode, very special.

Speaker 2:

And if you enjoy these episodes, check out everything we've got on the Vital Veda podcast health, consciousness, spirituality, the Veda, which are the laws of nature. If you'd like to book in for an aerobic consultation with me to help you go through whatever you're going through whether it is overwhelming spiritual, transformative experiences, whether it's mental, emotional, physical you can go to vitalvetacomau forward slash bookings. When I work with patients, my intention and what I do is make you self-sufficient in taking care of your own health, in creating balance and navigating the inevitable fluctuations and influences that come into your health throughout lives. And yes, we check in here and there, maybe what two or three follow-up consultations in the beginning, but ultimately it's to make you self-sufficient so you can go to vitalvatorcomau forward slash bookings.

Speaker 2:

I would generally love to work with you and help optimize your health through giving you a holistic health plan. Okay, thanks for listening. Make sure you subscribe to the Vital Vator podcast. It's important. It helps us get better guests and make this show give more energy than we're already giving it. Hey, I want to give you an update to where Kim is at right now. I'm recording this now, six weeks after I recorded the episode with Kim and she's had a rapid realization of some capabilities that she has to offer.

Speaker 2:

Kim right now is currently on tour in Europe across music conferences, helping musicians to enhance their creativity through certain techniques and certain meetings with them, mostly in silence. So let me explain. She is touring and she has a manager who is the manager of skrillex, who's a famous, who was a famous dj, who is a famous dj. This manager used to manage skrillex and now this manager, blaise'angelo, is managing Kim and getting her to meet all these musicians and I don't know the details, but they sit in a room together and she does some stuff, and one musician said that he went home and recorded 70 tracks seven, zero tracks. Other musicians have said I've never had this creativity in a very long time. She's sitting with them and something along the lines of things that are in silence, and so, in silence, and installing certain energetic frequencies through different ways, she does a bit of sounds that matter, that she's cognized, that just come through her, through her mouth. So she's just getting into this and I said, kim, can I share this with the people? She's like, yeah, sure, but I don't fully understand what's happening yet. So she's cultivating these capabilities and these gifts and sharing them, and she's going to be also in Australia in October touring and going to a festival called here Festival, which might not be released by the time you hear this podcast episode, but there is a website for here in naura and that's a festival based on vedic knowledge and vedic wisdom and vedic sciences and practices.

Speaker 2:

So check out here a festival in naura in october 2024. It's going to be a very special festival. I'm going to be there talking about ayurveda, my wife's going to be there talking about postpartum Ayurveda, women's health, and there's going to be a lot of good stuff. So check that out. And, yep, if you want to learn more about Kim, check her out. Much love.